Monday, December 22, 2008

Tessa at Work

Tessa is always so interested in what her older sisters are doing. Whatever the older girls have, Tessa wants, if she can't get what they have she will get creative. It is so fun to watch her mimic her older sisters and makes me very curious about what she will be like when she is a couple of years older. Whatever she does though, she takes it very seriously.  Every night when Evelyn pulls out her violin to practice Tessa disappears upstairs and finds the items necessary to practice along with Evelyn.

Friday, December 19, 2008

Christmas Card

Here is the final picture for our yearly Christmas Card. We attempted different locations but finally decided that we would do an inside shot where we didn't have to brave the cold and snow. Since we had tried several days we had to do a quick picture session on Saturday. Evelyn's hair is done up for the Nutcracker (a whole post in itself getting her straight hair to curl) and Henry had just woken up from his nap. I guess with four there is never really a time when all of them will be happy, so we did the best we could.

Oh, yeah notice Evelyn's teeth she is finally losing them without the help of the dentist! Henry is getting to be such a big boy, he is eating Cheerios BY HIMSELF, I guess he is figuring things out so he doesn't have to wait so long. Lillian chose not to wear her glasses for the picture, she is really noticing and forming strong opinions about what looks good, who knew a 5 year old would be telling us what to wear. And finally notice Tessa is in the picture. I won't ruin the illusion everyone has about Stephen and I being good parents, by tell you how many pieces of candy we bribed her with during that 20 minutes.

We miss our families and want to wish everyone a MERRY CHRISTMAS!!


Monday, December 15, 2008


Here it is the much anticipated picture of our adorable 3 year old...undercoating the Christmas tree. We LOVE having Tessa in our family!!!!!!

Sunday, December 14, 2008

Where Has Tessa Been??

Tessa has been absent from the pictures shown because she has decided that it is no fun to have her picture taken anymore, (unless sticking your face in front of the camera really close counts as having your picture taken). It is a part of her very strong personality, I guess it goes along with wearing a flamingo dress everyday, clean or not. It is a personal goal of mine to get a nice picture of her...someday! 

Christmas Card Pictures

Well we tried again this year to get the perfect picture of our kids. After an attempt outside we decided that taking a picture inside where it is warm and cozy would be our best bet. Here is a picture of just Henry from that afternoon's photo shoot.

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

It's the Most Wonderful Time of the Year!!

I write that as a reminder to slow down and view Christmas with all the wonder of a child. It is nice to have children around to remind me to ENJOY!!  

Thursday, December 4, 2008

New Photo of Henry

Here are some new pictures of Henry taking a bath today.

Friday, November 28, 2008

Here are some pics. from my trip to Utah.

Saturday, November 22, 2008

Quick Photo shoot

It was a wonderfully warm day today, so we decided to squeeze in a quick photo session! E & L had a blast.

Friday, November 21, 2008