Sunday, April 26, 2009


Evelyn and Lilly have an amazing relationship. They are the best of friends, yes at times they are the worst of enemies but for the majority of the time they are steadfast in their relationship. Evelyn looks out for her little sister and Lilly really looks up to her older sister.

Evelyn, when just a baby became attached to a blanket, never without her "Pretty." This blanket was Evelyn's comfort and security item, to this day she sleeps with it somewhere on her bed. Lilly on the other hand never attached to a blankie or a stuffed animal. We always joked that she didn't need a security item because she had a fiercely attentive older sister. When they were smaller and in an unfamiliar situation, we would watch Lilly and see her creep closer to her sister and attach herself to Evelyn. She always found comfort in having her big sister near by her. And Evelyn has always lived up to her role as protector.

Two years ago the girls sat down to root beer floats, (Lilly's made with soy ice cream) and there was a mix-up and Lilly ended up in the hospital. As a mother I was upset that this happened but the memory that stands out about that night is Evelyn standing by her sister, crying and telling the nurse that it was all her fault. She should have been watching her sister more closely. I was awed by the fact that a six year old felt that much care and responsibility for her sister.
As they get older I have watched this bond become stronger and stronger. I hope that they will continue to have each other as best friends and allies. Here is a photo at the park of "The Girls" (as Tessa calls them). Enjoy!

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

My Evelyn

Evelyn has been playing the violin for 4 years now! I can't believe that it has been so long since we got her first violin and she struggled with just being able to hold on to it. I watch her practice now and I am amazed at how far she has come since those early days. I will admit the violin has been a love/hate relationship. She hates when she can't seem to get the song just right but when she does she is so excited to share it with everyone. She calls grandparents, aunts and uncles to play her newly learned songs over the phone for them. We have video taped her performances and emailed them to family all over. We are extremley lucky to have found a violin teacher who lovingly pushes her past her comfort limits to help her become a confident violin player. She loves going to lessons even though sometimes I think she is going for some "adult conversation." She told me the other day she loves that her teacher listens to her, really listens to her. She has learned so much over the past four years.

This is a picture exactly how I wanted to capture it. She plays some of her songs so much that she learns them by heart. When I ask her to play a song she will close her eyes and play it. I love to watch her when she is like that totally wrapped up in the music not caring what is going on around her. Enjoy!

Monday, April 20, 2009


Tonight we enjoyed the warm weather and went back to the park, camera in tow. I meant to get a picture of Henry for his 1 year birthday but found Evelyn to be in a very cooperative mood. So instead of Henry having his photo shoot the girls all enjoyed time in front of the camera. Tomorrow it is supposed to be just as nice and Lilly has requested another trip to the park, one without the camera. Enjoy!

Saturday, April 18, 2009

My Boy Loves His Books!!

The other day I put Henry by the cabinet where we keep lots of his toys. Usually he will reach in and dump out the baskets and look at his toys. This activity keeps him occupied for about 10 minutes. The other day I put him by the toys and went into the kitchen to the dishes. After doing all of the dishes I noticed he wasn't fussing as he usually does when he grows bored of his toys. I peeked around the corner and found that he had found a book mixed in with all of his toys. The book kept him occupied for longer then all of the toys in the cabinet have ever kept his busy. I am so excited he has discovered books and he loves them. Now when I need to get something done I give him a stack of books. I love this picture because it shows all of toys tossed to the side and his interest in only the book. Enjoy!

Sunday, April 12, 2009

My Lillian

Three years ago we took Lilly to the farmers market. There she saw a girl playing a cello. Our tiny, barely three year old stood there mesmerized by the music. From that day on she begged and pleaded and dreamed about playing a cello herself. We made a deal that if she could learn her whole alphabet and sounds we would enroll her in cello lessons. Less than six months later an almost four year triumphed and not only knew her alphabet but was reading!! For her birthday she received her cello and started lessons. It has been two years since she started and Lillian has impressed us greatly with her hard work and determination. I love to sit and listen to her practicing her cello and counting out loud to herself.

Yesterday we took advantage of the nice weather and went to the park in search of a place to take a picture of a very special little girl. It was an adventure with a cello. She sat and played her cello and I took pictures of her. Her cello in this picture is off to the side, a direct result of placing the pin in the soft spring earth. Lillian has a very special place in the family and I was hoping to capture a bit of her spirit. I hope you enjoy!

Friday, April 10, 2009

Fun Outside

We have experienced great weather her in the Tri-Cities. It seems as if Spring is really here along with all of the beautiful creatures that have been hibernating all winter long.

Tessa was amazed with the picture- she couldn't seem to remember wearing wings out to play today. I love that Mommy is still magical to her. :)