Thursday, January 29, 2009

Henry is getting so big, but he still loves to be swaddled up for naps and bedtime. When he is swaddled up it gives me the brief glimpse back to his newborn days, if only for that brief period of time.


Thursday, January 8, 2009

Lilly's Update

Lilly waited until today to get sick. She has a hard time in the winters but at least this year she got to enjoy her big day as a healthy little girl.

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Our little Lilly Lou turned six on Tuesday! She has grown so much over the past couple of years. At her birthday it is hard not to think back over the past 6 years and marvel at all her little body has gone through and how strong she is now. Stephen and I were talking about it and she has hit a milestone this year. This is the first year in six years that we did not visit the ER with her. This birthday we didn't plan much because knowing the last 5 years we had to reschedule or cancel plans because of illness or emergencies we kept our plans small. A birthday hamburger Happy Meal and special milk free chocolate cake with chocolate frosting and soy ice cream. We had a great day hanging out after school and guessing what birthday presents she might get.

She is such a compassionate little girl, willing to help out in any way she can. Last night as I was struggling with Tessa trying to get her to pick up some toys, I heard Lilly tell her younger sister that she loved her so much that if she were the mother she would NEVER yell at Tessa for a couple of toys left on the stairs. It was really touching to see her with her arm around her little sister comforting, drying tears, and protecting her against the hardships of cleaning. We love you Lillian!!!!


I just have to add that the color is a bit off on this picture but it is the birthday picture, so I am trying to focus on subject matter in this one.

Henry Waking Up

My titles are very original! I am really using this photo to test out the sizes of pictures on different programs. What a frustrating thing trying to figure out. I think I spent a good part of the night last night and evening trying to figure out how to change the picture sizes. I am so excited that I have figured out this much, so just imagine the photo this size but in the center of the page. Who knows when I will have the time to figure out how to center pictures.


Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Henry Loves Bath Time

Henry loves being in the water, whenever we get a chance we give him a quick play time in the water. It is a sure fire way to calm him down in even his worst moods. With Tessa needing a bit of supervision during the day, Henry's bath given where I can best keep my eyes on what my busy three year old is up to. A couple of days ago, he was put in the bathroom sink to play while Tessa amused herself on the stairs. He LOVED looking at the baby playing in the water.