Friday, February 13, 2009

President Obama's Biggest (Little) Fan

Watch out the flamingo dress has some competition!! Stephen got back from DC with souvenirs for the girls. Tessa is thrilled with her new shirt. She loves Barack O' Mama, in fact she threatens to call him every time there is an injustice done to her. For instance the other day she pleaded with me to let her have a pop-tart after her cupcake (desert after breakfast), when I told her no she got her Barbie cell phone and told me she was going to call Barack. Obviously they are on first name basis.


Lisa Christine said...

LOL....yesterday when she was over at our house I said,

"Tessa, is that our new president?"

and she looked at me and tilted her head like she does and said,

"no, that's Barack Obama"

It was so funny!

terramisu said...

Yes- I have often thought about calling the president on matters of your unfairness- but now I don't need to with Tessa around!!!

Anonymous said...

Tessa should join the women for Barack fan club. It really exists and I'm a proud member. Go tessa!